Plumbing Made Easy – A Guide To Essential Home Services

For homeowners, understanding the basics of plumbing can decrease their chances of costly damage and inconvenient repairs. This includes knowing about the water supply system, drainage system, and venting systems.

Learning these plumbing basics can also help homeowners recognize early signs of problems. Then, they can call a home service business for timely repairs and maintenance. Learn more by clicking here at


Water Supply

We rely on our home plumbing to provide us with clean, fresh water for drinking, cooking, and cleaning. It also takes away the waste we create and carries it safely away to the sewer system. It’s one of the most complex systems in our homes, and it can seem like a lot of magic happens in those pipes when you look at them from the outside. However, the basic laws of gravity and pressure apply, and understanding these can make your plumbing system easier to diagnose and understand.

Water supply lines are a crucial part of your plumbing, and every home or property owner must have a basic knowledge of them. This can help them detect problems, accurately describe those problems to contractors over the phone, and deal with emergencies and other problems competently.

The water in your home comes from a city utility system that usually involves a series of large pipes, known as mains, that run underneath the streets and then branch off to supply individual homes and businesses. The mains are the most critical part of this system, and if something goes wrong with them, the water in your house will be cut off immediately. This can lead to massive and expensive damage, so you must know how to check the integrity of your water lines and find any issues that may arise.

This book walks you, step-by-step, through some of the most common plumbing projects all homeowners will encounter. This includes installing or repairing toilets, sinks, and showers, replacing faucets and water valves, and unclogging drains. The author uses simple language and easy-to-follow diagrams to guide you through these essential home services.

Drainage And Venting

Your home plumbing system does more than just bring in fresh water. It also carries away waste water and keeps it separate from your freshwater supply. This important work is done by the drain-waste-vent (DWV) system, which consists of pipes, traps, and vents. Homeowners must understand how their DWV systems function so they can recognize potential problems and take corrective action.

Your DWV pipes transport wastewater to your home’s sewer system or septic tank. They’re sloped downward to allow gravity to help the sewage flow. As the sewage moves through your pipes, it decomposes and produces gases. These gases must be vented outside of your home to prevent them from building up in your drains and causing a backflow problem that could lead to flooding, health issues, or even a sewage leak.

You can keep your DWV systems functioning properly by following some simple maintenance tips. For instance, putting a strainer on your sink drains will prevent hair, soap scum, and food scraps from entering the pipes and leading to a clog. Similarly, storing fats, oils, and grease in a container rather than pouring them down your kitchen drain will reduce the likelihood of a clog.

Aside from preventing clogs and backflow, maintaining your DWV systems will also reduce the risk of hazardous chemical spills. If you’re concerned about the chemicals in your sewage, consider installing a UV sanitizer in your home’s septic system.

Being familiar with the basic functions of your plumbing system can make you a more informed homeowner and can even save you money on professional repairs. It’s also important to know when to call a plumber for complex issues, as they have the training and tools needed to get the job done right the first time. By understanding your plumbing system and how to maintain it, you can have a safe, efficient, and comfortable home. With a little knowledge, you can tackle many plumbing tasks yourself. And if you do need a plumber, you’ll have an easier time explaining what you need to be fixed and why.


Two subsystems comprise your home plumbing: the water supply and the drainage. The former brings clean, potable water into your home; the latter removes wastewater from it. Each is distinct from the other and connected to it in various ways. The main distinction is that the supply system relies on pressure to transport water, while the drainage system uses gravity. This is why pipes in the drainage system are sloped downward. The sloping allows wastewater to move naturally toward the sewer line, which connects to either your septic tank or municipal sewer.

The plumbing fixtures we interact with most directly—sinks, toilets, showers, tubs, and washing machines—are all connected to the drainage system. These plumbing fixtures come with valves and taps to control the flow of water. They also have traps to prevent water and waste from backing up in the home. The drain-waste-vent (DWV) system also contains vents to allow air into the drain pipe and prevent sewage gases from entering the house.

Every fixture and appliance that uses water—even the kitchen sink—is connected to the drainage system via the main drain line in your home. This line extends from your home’s drain stack to a sewer line that runs underground, connecting to either your septic tank or the municipal sewer. Your home’s sewer line is responsible for taking wastewater away from your home, whereas your septic tank is primarily responsible for bringing in freshwater.

Like your car, your home’s sewer line needs routine maintenance. Skilled plumbers are like superheroes of the sewer world, zapping problems before they morph into wallet-draining disasters. Whether it’s a crack in your sewer line or a blockage, preventative services—like video inspection and hydrojetting—are cost-effective and save you the hassle of emergency repairs.

A stitch in time saves nine. Arm yourself with a few plumbing dos and don’ts to keep your home’s systems running smoothly and efficiently. Keeping food waste and cooking fat out of the drains will help keep your home plumbing clear, too. If you’re concerned about the health of your drainage system, Isaac’s skilled team can use a state-of-the-art sewer camera to diagnose and repair any issues with your home’s sewer line.

Water Heater

For many homeowners, household fix-it projects arise out of “need” (a clogged drain or a leaky faucet) or out of “want” (add a sprayer kitchen sink faucet or a new bathtub). But what most people don’t realize is that these projects don’t have to be difficult. In Plumbing Made Easy, author Ron Hazelton walks you, step-by-step through the most basic and common plumbing projects all homeowners will encounter.

Whether you’re installing a new water line or simply replacing parts of an old one, you must be aware of the different types of pipes and their materials. Copper piping is best, but in some instances, galvanized steel may be necessary. When connecting copper to galvanized, a rubber washer must be placed in between to prevent the two metals from reacting with each other.

It’s important to understand the basics of your plumbing system so you can perform regular maintenance and troubleshoot minor problems before they become major headaches. Knowing about check valves, pressure relief valves, and the difference between hot and cold water supply lines will make it much easier to maintain your plumbing system. It’s also essential to regularly inspect for leaks under sinks, around toilets, and behind appliances. A little bit of effort in maintenance can help extend the life of your plumbing fixtures and appliances.